

  Abstract The purpose of this article is to analyze and discuss the strategies for 'Disability Inclusion' which include: legislations for disability rights, reasonable accommodations (universal design, accessibility and assistive technologies), and awareness raising for attitudes change. Likewise, in  this article five countries were used as case studies on legislations for disability rights enacted to remove barriers and accommodate persons with disabilities into society. Also, secondary data was used for writing this article. Keywords: Disability, Inclusion, Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) 1.  Introduction It is estimated that around 15% of the global population (one billion people) live with disabilities. Around 80% of them live in developing countries (WHO and World Bank, 2011). Worldwide, a significant percentage are older persons. More than half of all persons with disabilities in Australia, China, the Republic of Korea and Viet Nam, for instance, are aged 60 or over, a